Falls risk management

Falling or nearly falling can be quite scary and off-putting, but it is important to know there are things that you can do to help minimise your risk of having a fall.

Falls are more common than one might think. Almost one in three older adults in Australia will have had a fall in the past 12 months. Falls are also one of the leading causes of unintentional injury in our aging population. As such it is very important to be aware of what might increase your risk of falling as well as what you can do to reduce the risks.

What might cause people to fall:

  • Normal aging including changes in your eyesight, balance, weaker muscles, changing reaction times
  • Hazards such as uneven surfaces, rugs, cords, lighting or slippery surfaces
  • Medical conditions including but not limited to low blood pressure, incontinence, diabetes, stroke, depression, Parkinson’s disease and arthritis
  • Incontinence or a need to rush to the toilet
  • Changes in your memory
  • Clothing such as loose or poorly fitting items and your choice in footwear

How can you manage falls risks:

  • Seek an Occupational Therapy assessment of your environment to help identify falls risks and ways to manage these, for example alternate lighting, use of equipment and handrails.
  • Stay active, this could be completing your own regular activity or by joining a class or group,
  • Take your time and avoid rushing
  • See a podiatrist if you have concerns about your feet
  • See your Doctor for a routine review and check-up in relation to your overall health

How can Supportive Occupational Therapy Services help me:

Our Occupational Therapists can complete an assessment of both your home and your needs, providing personalised support plans on how to optimise your home environment and to help you manage falls risks. We may suggest the use of rails and equipment, alternate lighting or ways of identifying uneven surfaces.

Please contact us to learn more about how we can help you with your falls risks concerns, and to make an appointment on: 0477 834 795


  1. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/falls 
  2. https://www.stayonyourfeet.com.au

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